Throughout the process of a soft story retrofit project, you will get to see inside your walls. You'll find out the condition of your wiring, the health of your concrete foundation, and the wear and tear on your plumbing and duct work.
As Foundation Experts in Los Angeles, we'll advise you on repairs, replacements, and upgrades.
At any time in the future, you have the option or upgrading, repairing, or replacing what ever your soft story building needs. But as long as we have your walls open and are digging out new foundation footings for your soft story retrofit, might as well repair and upgrade what ever else your building needs now.
In the process of any earthquake retrofit, it's smart, and in the long run will save you money to fix what needs fixing along the way.
If you have questions about your Los Angeles soft story retrofit project, give us a call at (323) 655-0960. Or contact us, the Foundation Experts in Los Angeles we'd love to hear about any foundation problems you have. Sinai Construction Engineering is in the business of solving foundation problems. Look forward to hearing from you...
