All the structural foundation repair experts in Los Angeles will tell you, the longer you let any foundation problem go the more expensive it will be to repair.
But yet so many people ignore all the signs of foundation problems. Like this foundation replacement project in Los Angeles could of been prevented if caught early on and repaired. But all the signs were ignored by the owner.
Like sloping floors in your house, cracks in walls, or doors that will not close. These are all symptoms that your foundation could be failing.
That's why an Sinai Construction Engineering foundation health check is money well spent.
If you have a foundation problem, and want to know how big a problem it is, or just want to make sure your foundation is healthy, give us a call at (323) 655-0960. Or contact one of our foundation experts in Los Angeles, we will organize a time to come by your house and give it a Foundation Health Check. Like we said, it's money well spent...
