Lots of Structural Engineering companies have a stock approach to projects. This saves them time. But can cost you, the soft story building owner, more money down the road. Because not every job has the same challenges. Surprises can pop up along with costs.
But when Sinai Construction Engineering does a Soft Story Retrofit on your soft story building, we go deep. As a result, as foundation experts we know before we start, what the challenges will be with your new improved foundation. You know all the costs up front, there are no financial surprises. The soft story process has been planned, the crew knows what to do and when to keep it all on schedule.
We've been doing soft story foundation repair and replacement in Los Angeles for decades and there's no foundation problem we haven't seen and no foundation problem we haven't solved.
If you have any questions about your soft story building, or general foundation repair or foundation replacement give us a call at (323) 655-0960 or contact one of our foundation experts today and they'll get back to you.
Sinai Construction Engineering has deep knowledge and expertise on foundation construction, in fact we're so confident in our work we offer a 25 year Warranty on all structural work. Can't hurt to talk to us, and could save you a bundle of money and headaches.
